
Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Article that i liked this week

This is a shameless copy from one of my favourite blogs by Tony Tjan, a VC. Here is what he has to say about "

"Why Do Most Entrepreneurs Fail to Scale". Please post your comments.

Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the following entrepreneurial traits:

Persistence and stubbornness. Many people commented on past entries on the importance of having persistence and the willingness to persevere. This is a part of my "guts" bucket: you need to have the guts to start something, but just as important is having the guts to stick it out. Perseverance is an admirable quality of great entrepreneurs. However, when perseverance is confused with unhealthy stubbornness the outcome is not likely to be great. Stubbornness is fantastic when it is right, but it is a bitch when you are wrong. Or to paraphrase the bible, "Hell is truth seen too late." So how can you tell the difference? It's tricky, but here's a tip: Be persistent in your vision when you are sure you are right and have some proof to back that up, but also acknowledge when you need help or redirection.

Controlling interest. During the early stages of a company, the entrepreneurial vision is critical and is typically embodied by the founder. It can therefore make sense early on for the entrepreneur to control of the operations as possible. This control freak nature and maniacal attention to detail are almost required during the early phases of company growth. But as a company grows, entrepreneurs need to demonstrate not only that they can do the task (i.e. no task is too small or beneath them), but also that they can appropriately delegate. Fast growing businesses quickly move beyond the ability of one person to manage without proper delegation, founders can unknowingly limit the start-up's growth potential.

Team loyalty. Some of my closest friendships began at businesses I founded or where I have worked. It is natural to form very close ties to a group of people working day in, day out and often with significant sacrifice in the hopes of realizing an entrepreneurial dream. What has to be recognized is that the loyalty and relentless commitment that helped get a company to a certain stage might cloud judgment in determining the capabilities and skill gaps required as a business scales. To be clear, loyalty should be recognized and is culturally important, but it cannot be confused with the performance and future needs of the organization. As a start-up becomes a full-fledged business, an entrepreneurial leader has to be prepared to deal with difficult and inevitable personnel situations where business decisions need to be made for the interest of the company and not personal or historical reasons.

Some of these and other factors that hold a business back from realizing full potential are described well in the 2002 HBR article by John Hamm "Why Entrepreneurs Don't Scale." I also touched on similar themes in a lecture on entrepreneurship I delivered for the School of Management at Boston University.

Thanks again for all the comments on the prior blogs that helped shaped my thinking on this entry.

Now, what growth challenges do you face and why do you think many entrepreneurs fail to scale?

Listen to this article

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Story of A Mindless Dictator


The following photographs are shamelessly copied from Uncyclopedia, the mother of all creative evil on Internet. Any kind of resemblance to living person or dead is purely intentional. The author is solely responsible for any damage.

History Class:

This article is dedicated to the six million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust, the most hyped atrocity in the history of mankind. I used the word most hyped because, King Leopold II killed atleast 10 million people(Because the Congo Free state was a personal proplerty of the King and people of Congo were slaves by birth to the king) and during the transportation of Africans as slaves to america atleast onether 8 million were killed(because of hunger and unable to breathe)

In spite of such treatment towards Africans, King Leopold enjoys the privilege of being on the Euro Please See. African Americans were ill treated till Mrs. Rosa Parks rose against such atrocities. Any case i will finish my history session now, enjoy the pics and send them to as many people as possible.

Hitlers Photographs:

As a Kid

Early Teens

Late Teens

Hitler Shaved his mustache off after Germany got humiliated in WW I

It gives me an immense pleasure to sabotage this tyrants name. I will continue spraying paint on this guy in some other post.

Align Center

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Debacle of PRP

నేను చిరు ఫ్యాన్....అన్నయ్య కోసం మా ప్రాణాలైనా ఇస్తాం

were the words that one could hear in the main stream media when Chiranjivi got into politics last fall. Today ప్రజా రాజ్యం (PRP or PR) stands as the gratest example of debacle in the politicalhistory. My idea is dig into the issue and find out why PR failed inspite of its great start.

It is really interesting to see the way PR got a tight slap from the public Considering the damage it has done to itself in the past few months it is no wonder.

5 reasons for PR's debacle:

No Political Agenda:

PR was a party for
every one and every thing. To put it in the proper marketing terminolgy it lacked the SEGMENTATION. It was a party that offered panacia for every problem and the voters could not take so much.

Person Centric Party:

Well to start with a question... Name a prominent leader in PR other than Chiru?

Hmm... Hmm.. Noclues?
So are the PR candidates. This lack of secondary leaders has added to the owes of PR.

Family Drama:

We are hardly interested in their family affairs but then, the younger becomes the supremo of the youth wing, the brother in law takes over the party... and even the worst Mega Star is busy campaigning.

The pace that the work was demanding was tremendous but the bottleneck was the CAP trio....Chiru, Aravind and Pawan. If the shacles of the plutocarcy were broken things would have been different.

Falure of Chiru:

Chiru is a man of masses a person with abilty to do extrdinary feats. People of AP have always seen in as a man who could to fight all the odds and move the mountains on the screens.

To see such a man stabbering on the stage and not voicing his opinions on many basic issues has affected the chances of the pary adversely.

Undermining the Fans:

Fans were outrightly expelled out of the core team of party. This lead to a very chaotic situation within the pary and also in the media. Some party members who branded themselves as "Fans" have joined the bandwagon for power.

One more mistake was miscaliculating the dreams of power of the fans. Chru himslef once told " అభిమానులకి అంత పదవీకాంక్షా!" talking about the way he was shocked to see the drive among his fans for power within PRP.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

100 Days of Obama

I just thought that some masala on the American politics will be of a great. So here is the story of the man who promised us the change. But by far nothing seems to be happening. The White House is still playing cat and rat game with the economy and diplomacy. As my dad says the American president seat is jinxed.

As my dad rightly says " ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చాలంటే తనను తను మార్చుకోవాలి " ( Trans: One has to change oneself before changing the world. This is very much applicable to the American Economy and Diplomacy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bacchan Family Casts The Vote!

I do not understand what the on earth the Bacchan family wants to prove now! You see the indian aam aadmi is defenitely ignorant of this.. but this gesture is disgusting from a family of AB's stature. What the heck do they want to prove.

The Bacchan family is one of the most respected खानदानs in the country and considering the level of media attention this act will get, all i can say i that this could hav ebeen avoided and such cheap atunts would not suit them.